Bob Hellman
Canoeing and Kayaking have been a passion of mine for most of my life. I remember as a small child being fascinated by canoes and kayaks. I taught myself how to paddle from books and films and was soon going on little adventures on the streams and lakes of Manitoba. I developed my skills and soon I was going on multi-day adventures into the wilderness.
Over the years I took more paddling courses and began teaching. I eventually became a master instructor.
Canoeing and kayaking have been a means of transportation that have enabled me to see parts of Canada that very few people have seen, but they have been much more than that. They have become a way of defining myself, a way of connecting to nature, and a way of being in touch with my spirit.
I love to share my passion for paddling with people. Opening my canoe and kayak shop has been a dream come true. It is a privilege to talk about boats and paddling with so many great individuals.
We are located at
2645 Highway 3A
Nelson B.C. V1L6L1